Don’t Rely on StockMemory to Keep Your Shelves Full

Our inventory management accurately tracks stock movement and behavior to help you keep a full inventory for your customers.


Experience our Inventory Management


SellerYard accurately tracks product movement and trendsto help you with buying decisions and inventory projections.

Lead Tracker

More tools and must-haves at your fingertips

The inventory management is your all-in-one tool for Amazon Arbitrage success. Here are more features you can find:

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    Advanced Replenishment Stats

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    Insightful Account Dashboard

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    Alerts for Competition Under Your Current Price

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    Picture of Each ASIN

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    Sales Rank Data

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    Email Support Access

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    FBA Fees Data

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    OA Link Tracking

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    Amazon Listing Link

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    Easily Upload Cost, Supplier Data and Download Reports as Needed

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    Competition Pricing Data

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    ASIN Sales Data

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    Profit Data

Benefits of an inventorymanagement for your Amazon business

From optimizing stock levels and preventing stockouts to boosting cost efficiency and customer satisfaction, delve into the advantages that strategic inventory management brings.

Elevate your operations, streamline processes, and propel your business forward with the precision and insight offered by our cutting-edge inventory management solution.


Optimized Stock Levels

Maintain optimal levels of inventory to prevent overstocking or running out of popular items, ensuring you meet customer demand without tying up excess capital.


Cost Efficiency

Reduce holding costs by minimizing excess inventory, warehousing expenses, and the risk of obsolescence. Efficient inventory management helps you allocate resources more effectively.


Demand Forecasting

Analyze historical sales data and market trends to make informed decisions about future inventory needs. This allows you to adapt to changes in demand and plan for peak seasons effectively.